Here are some answers to questions you might have.

Our service lasts between 60 and 75 minutes. It has some liturgical aspects, which means there will be some responsive readings and prayers, such as a call to worship, prayer of confession, and the Lord's Prayer. Liturgy provides a way for the congregation to participate in the service, provides a sense of unity, and also is a way for us to deepen our engagement with the text and theme. 

The music reflects the mix of preferences of our congregation, a blend of contemporary, southern gospel, and classic hymns, played on piano, guitar, bass and percussion. 

Children are included in the entire worship service with a children's moment when they are invited to the front. There are children's worship bags available in the Vestibule with a children's bulletin and crayons. 

The Main Entrance is under the carport. There will be a friendly face there to welcome you and point you in the right direction. 

We're not a formal church, so dress in what feels both comfortable and appropriate for worshipping God. 

Our kids stay in worship for the whole service.

We believe that worship is the most important thing that we do together, and we believe it should be done as the whole church family. Learning the worship of the church, and how they can participate, is an important way in which we shape and form the faith of our children. For children in grades 5 and under, we have worship bags with tools for them to engage with the service, and we have a children's moment when they are invited to come the front.  

Kids make noise, we welcome it noise as a joyful sound. While there is a nursery available should a parent choose to use it, you don't need to worry about your kids being perfect little angels. 

We usually celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month. We use grape juice instead of wine and we do have gluten-free bread. The congregation comes to the front to receive the bread and juice from the pastors ane elders. We practice an open table, which means you don't have to be a member of our church or a Cumberland Presbyterian to receive Communion. We welcome everyone who trusts in the grace of Jesus and wants to be his disciple is welcome to receive Communion. If you don't wish to receive Communion, just stay in your seat, or come forward and just ask for a blessing. 

Communion should be received by those who have made a personal profession of faith in Jesus. No particular form of profession is required and whether a child has made a profession and is ready to receive communion is the discernment of parent(s)/guardian(s) in consultation with the pastor or an elder. 

We encourage children to come forward with those receiving to observe and be curious about the sacrament. Talk to children about the meal, encourage their questions, and pay attention for signs that they are understanding the meal and have a personal desire to share in it. If you are unsure or need guidance we encourage you to talk to the pastor or an elder. 

If you are new or visiting with us, the elders serving will look to the parent/guardian for guidance on whether the child will be receiving the sacrament. 

It is our hope and prayer that you will feel like you belong and want to get more involved in the life and ministry of our church. Simply speak to the pastor or an elder or if you prefer you can use our connect form to share with us what you're interested in or looking for. 

Great, we'd love to hear it! Send us your question via our connect form.